Rullo per cingoli originale, 6693239


Models: T180, T190, T250, T300, T320, T550, T590, T630, T650, T750, T770 (Please check the serial number of your machine to ensure compatibility)

Model Family: Compact Track Loaders (CTL) equipped with roller suspension undercarriage

Non per carro rigido!

Shipping Options: Freight
457,80 €
Incl. Imposta: 558,52 €
Disponibile in magazzino
Compatibilità del modello:
T180, T190, T250, T300, T320, T550, T590, T630, T650, T750, T770

Forged steel track rollers for compact track loaders are designed, engineered and manufactured to withstand large loads and support the machines movements for the tough jobs that CTLs can handle.

Track rollers guide both sides of the track lugs to maximize contact between the rollers and tracks while minimizing de-tracking.

Ulteriori informazioni
Pack Qty 1
Model T180, T190, T250, T300, T320, T550, T590, T630, T650, T750, T770
Model Family Loaders
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